Trip to Egypt

"Explore stunning monuments of Pharoahs and Kings on a Nile River cruise "

No Nile cruise can be complete without visiting the various stunning monuments of Pharaohs - some of them as old as 6,000 BC. Egypt was an ancient power under the leadership of the kings - the Pharaohs. They amassed a lot of wealth and artifacts from all over the world. There is no single place, apart from maybe China, where you can study the history of the world as in Egypt. Below are some of the most popular monuments of Pharaohs around the Nile River Basin.


This was a boy Pharaoh. He came into leadership at a tender age and never got heir  as he died aged 18 and his two daughters were born still born. He is the most popular pharaoh as his tomb was found intact. Some of the items recovered include the infamous gold helmet, his mummy and gilded bed. He reigned from 1336 BC to 1327 BC. His monument can be seen at the Egyptian Museum.


She was the first woman pharaoh and reigned from 1473 to 1458 BC. Her reign was peaceful and she is credited with building the Deir El-Bahari temple at Luxor. Her monuments can be found at Temple of Karnak, Speo Artemidos and Deir El-Bahri.

Ramses II

This is perhaps the Pharaoh with the most monuments. He was a builder and ruled during the 19th Dynasty. He built monuments such as Abu Simbel, Mortuary Temple Ramesseum, Pi-Ramesses, and Temple of Karnak. His monuments can be found at Abu simbel, Abydos, Ramessuem, and Karnak Temple.

The Black Pharaoh (Pharaoh Taharqa)

This was a black pharaoh that ruled the Kush Region (today's Egypt and Sudan). He was a Nubian pharaoh and ruled during the 25th Nubian Dynasty. His monument can be found at Dangil, Sudan, about 350 kilometers from Khartoum.

Ahmose I

This was the founder of the 18th dynasty and ruled from 1539 to 1514 BC. He was a member of the Theban Royal Family. His monuments can be found at the Palace of Avaris, Temple of Amun, and Temple of Montu at Armant.

There are so many stunning monuments that you can see on a Nile River Cruise. Make sure you get an educated tour guide who can tell you all the history behind the monuments.

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