Trip to Chile

Historic Quarter of the Seaport City of Valparaíso you gotta go here

Valparaiso is Chile’s second largest city after Santiago. It is an outstanding example of the late 19th century globalization that brought European housing designs in the Latin America. It is located about 100 kilometers on the Pacific coastline. Almost by design, the city is centrally located in Chile and this makes it a very attractive destination for tourists. Its beauty lies in the narrow coastal plain and bay that it is nestled on. Below is a list of the Valparaiso neighborhoods.

La Matríz

This neighborhood is nestled between the hills and the plain. The two architectural marvels in this neighborhood are the La Matriz Church that was built in 1842 and then rebuilt 4 times due to destruction by pirates as well as earthquakes, and there is the Santo Domingo square, an ancient meeting square.

Echaurren Square and Serrano Street

This has perennially been a commercial street and comprises of the port market, and other commercial establishements. The most prominent building among the street’s block buildings is the 1906 Astoreca Building that was made for commercial and residential purposes

Prat Pier, Sotomayor and Justicia Squares and the Sea Museum Quarter

This area has the largest public spaces in the city. It consists of administrative buildings from different times and styles. Make sure you get to visit the Sea Museum at the Cerro Cordillera that stands at the site where old San Jose Castle was built. The castle had been built to ward off attacks from the corsairs and pirates.

The Prat Street and Turri Square

Located from Palza Sotomayor all the way to the start of Esmeralda Street, this neighborhood is perhaps the most compelling of the 5 neighborhoods. It consists rectangular block buildings that are examples of monumental architecture.

The two hills of Cerro Alegre and Cerro Concepción,

The last neighborhood is the Ceroo Alegre and Cerro Concepcion that are sperated by the Urriola Street that was designed to make them a singular neighborhood. It was designed by the German and English immigrants. It features public squares, viewing points, alleyways, stairways etc.

Valparaiso is also home to over 30 elevators, with the oldest being Concecion Elevator that was opened in 1883. The elevators have wooden and metal cars that move simultaneously in different directions. The area is the ancestral home of the Chango Indians and there still historical sites that testify to this. If not for anything else, visit Valparaiso for its views.

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