Trip to Dominican Republic

Thrill of a Lifetime Ziplining in Dominican Republic's Rainforest

The wind rushes onto your face and your gut is knotted with fear. You are hanging for dear life as the rainforest pass below you at a frightening speed. Your weight seems to catapult you even faster as you hurtle past a particularly high tree branch. Suddenly you start having doubts whether taking this famous ride was a good idea. Your instinct for self-preservation is on hyper drive. You can feel every inch of your body tense...suddenly it is all over and the thrill you feel inside your body is better than sex!

Such are the change in moods and feelings that goes through a person in the few hours one is riding on a zip line in the Dominican Republic's rainforest. This Caribbean Island country boasts a tropical weather - mainly due to the trade winds from the Caribbean Sea - and a hospitable people. One of the most exhilarating activities that bring tourists from far and wide is this 4.5-minutes ride.

One of the most popular zip lining companies in Dominican Republic is Punta Cana Zip line Canopy Adventure. This company not only gives its guests one of the most satisfying rainforest rides but also provides transportation to the zip line, an instructor to give you safety instructions, zip lining equipment, tropical fresh fruits and bottled water.

For only US$90, you will get a 4.5 hours zip lining experience that you cannot get anywhere else. Amazingly, you can bring along your kids. Those aged 6-13 years old can do 8 of the 12 zip lines. The company takes you through 16 platforms on a 1.6 kilometer stretch.

If you love the outdoors, it doesn't get better than this. You will watch the scenic rainforest pass below your feet and the Anamuya Mountain unravel before your eyes. This is one experience that you do not want to miss. It is the kind of adrenaline rush that every nature lover seeks. It offers the ultimate challenge on your ability to take on challenges. The ever ‘lurking’ danger of falling to the ground below makes the ride even more interesting…of course, the mysteries of the forest as told by the guides will help make the ride a little bit mysterious.

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